
Wyświetlanie postów z czerwiec, 2012

Analog Photography Mug

Long time no see, huh? Unfortunately, I have had little time to paint lately but here is something I want to show you before you forget I exist at all :) It's a mug I painted on commission for someone who is crazy about analog, black & white photography. Of course I was very glad to piant a roll of film in my favourite, swirly way. At first I was planning to make some famous camera brands like Hasselblad, Lomo, Pentax, Mamiya, Zenit etc to float somewhere around the film but finally I decided to paint just one of them and I went for Rolleiflex which has this old-school look thanks to its two lenses. I hear the analog-fan who got the mug as a gift from his girlfriend is pleased. Sooo I'm pleased all the more so :) Oj nie mam ostatnio czasu na nic... ale postanowiłam się przypomnieć. Oto kubek dla pewnego fana fotografii analogowej. Z wielką przyjemnością rozplanowałam na nim powykręcaną rolkę filmu. Planowałam porozmieszczać wokoło niej nazwy znanych aparatów typu Hasselbl...